GRE作文范文 Issue-43
“The best way to teach – whether as an educator, employer or parent – is to praise positive actions and ignore negative ones.”
嘉文博译Sample Essay
The cumulative benefits of praising positive actions can hardly be overestimated. People like to be recognized for the good things that they have done, whether in work, school or simply everyday life. Teaching methods should employ the praising of positive actions in the course of positive reinforcement, which has been proved to be beneficial in the learning process. While praising positive actions is beneficial and necessary, negative actions cannot be ignored without jeopardizing the entire learning process.
Firstly, one must realize that there are as many different methods of teaching as there are different types of people. Whether the teacher is an educator in a school system, an employer in a work situation or a parent training a child, the proper technique of teaching must be found for that particular person being taught. Different students learn better through different styles and methods of teaching. However, no matter what the method or style of teaching, it is fundamental that the teacher praise the positive actions of the person being taught. Positive reinforcement is an integral part of the learning process.
Though positive reinforcement can play a tremendous role as a motivator for the continuance of positive actions, negative actions cannot be simply ignored and expected to go away. Think about the situation of a small child that is being taught how to get along with other children. There is a natural tendency for children to be selfish with their things, to not want to share anything with any other child. The child may take more toys than he or she can play with at one time to keep for him or herself. Although the child may be doing everything else right, for example, playing quietly and using the toys in a proper manner, the negative action of hoarding toys cannot simply be ignored if the child is to learn to get along in society. Praising the positive actions of being quiet and playing properly with the toys will certainly encourage those positive behaviors, but this does not address the underlying problem of selfishness. To merely ignore the selfishness will not teach the child to share with others. In this case, it is easy to see that solely praising positive actions will not be the best way of teaching the child to get along with others.
Similarly, an employer cannot properly train employees by only praising positive actions and ignoring negative actions. Contemplate the situation where an employee does everything right – arrives on time for work, accomplishes tasks efficiently, never misses work and is pleasant and approachable in the work place. All of these are positive actions that should be praised and encouraged in any place of business. However, this particular employee must be told what to do for every task – the employee lacks the initiative to do anything on his or her own. This is a form of negative inaction that will keep the employee from reaching his or her full potential on the job. Simply praising the employee’s good characteristics while ignoring his or her lack of resourcefulness will never result in a better-trained employee. The boss must take a proactive stance to change the employee’s behavior and eliminate the negative action of waiting to be told what to do.
In summary, merely praising positive actions is not enough to properly teach or train a student, employee or child. Negative actions must actively be discouraged in order for the individual to learn properly. Positive reinforcement is a powerful motivator, but negative actions must be addressed to properly teach or train an individual whether in an academic, business or home environment.
GRE作文范文 Argument-43
"In order to prevent conflicts in the workplace, Rifco Computer Company should require all its employees to attend workshops that teach the technique of active listening, a technique in which people express feelings without assigning blame. This technique has clearly benefited Terland Publishing Company: five years ago, two hundred recently hired Terland employees volunteered to participate in a one-day active-listening workshop. Five years later, only five percent of these employees had filed formal complaints with the human resources department, whereas the company as a whole had a fifteen percent complaint rate during that period."
嘉文博译Sample Essay
This argument is an attempt by the human resources department of Rifco Computer Company to persuade the company president that the company should require all employees to attend workshops that teach the technique of active listening to prevent conflicts in the workplace. As evidence, the arguer states that Terland Publishing Company has clearly benefited from sending two hundred employees to a one-day active listening workshop five years ago because only five percent of those employees had filed formal complaints with the human resources department while the company as a whole had a fifteen percent complaint rate during the same period. This argument is based on flawed logic and should be rejected.
First of all, the reason that the human resources department cites for sending all employees to the active listening workshop is to prevent conflict in the workplace. There is no evidence presented to support the idea that either attending the workshops or that the technique of active listening itself actually prevents conflicts. There could be several other reasons for the results indicated by the Terland Publishing Company’s active listening workshop experience. The fact that fewer employees percentage-wise that attended the workshop had filed formal complaints with the human resources department means nothing – it has no bearing on whether the workshop prevented conflicts in the workplace at Terland Publishing. The nature of the formal complaints gives no indication of whether they were conflict-based or of another type. A simple reduction in complaints does not mean that conflict was prevented by the workshops or by workers engaging in active listening. Additionally, there may have been an increase in informal complaints, as opposed to formal complaints. Again, a reduction in formal complaints does not mean that conflict was prevented in the workplace at Terland. Moreover, there may have been an increase in complaints of whatever nature to a department other than the human resources department. All of these possibilities serve to critically weaken the argument.
Secondly, the argument ignores the fact that the two companies are different types of businesses and therefore have employees with different characteristics. Even assuming that the active listening workshop did actually lead to a reduction in complaints, and that this is an indication that conflicts had been prevented in the workplace at Terland, it does not follow that Rifco Computer Company would have similar results simply because Terland Publishing employees attended a similar workshop with the given results. Furthermore, the two hundred Terland employees that attended the workshop were both recently hired and volunteers, most likely making them even more different than the majority of the employees of Rifco Computer Company. These dissimilarities in the employees of the two companies further weakens this argument.
Finally, even assuming that the complaints were based on workplace conflict, that an active listening workshop does serve to reduce workplace conflict, and that Terland and Rifco employees would respond similarly to such a workshop, there could be an even simpler reason that there were fewer complaints from the Terland employees that attended the workshop – they simply left the company either on their own or were laid off as the newest hires and had no occasion to file complaints of any kind with any department at Terland. Combined with the other possibilities for the reduced number of complaints, it becomes obvious that this factor is irrelevant to the argument.
In summary, this argument is based on problematic reasoning and evidence that does not support its conclusion. Without direct evidence that an active listening workshop would reduce conflict at Rifco, even assuming that conflict is a problem there, this argument should be rejected.
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